Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sunny today and supposed to be warmer. I can get some work in the gardens done. Already I have checked all the plants on the east side and planted two salmon begonias. I have two red ones that will go in on that side. I have the plants on the west side to check but they, from a distance, look good also. I have been going back and forth on the tomatoes I started. Discard or keep. Put in or trash. I don't know how many times I have changed my mind. Well, I think (maybe) I will leave one Veriassage and pull the weaker one. I have planted the stronger Roselle and Ox Heart. I hope they perk up. I have no idea why they haven't thrived. They had good light. I watered them adequately and the soil was a new bag of potting mix.

In addition to the two begonias already planted and the two I mentioned above, I have chives, impatiens, spearmint, pineapple sage to transplant. Tomorrow I hope to get the last large rectangular tub dug out and in the trash.

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