Friday, May 18, 2018

The weather forecasts have no idea of what we should expect today. Last nights TV weather said sunny with the possibility of pop-up thunderstorms. The weather on the computer says 60% chance of rain and cloudy. I will water the plants anyway to be safe. The heavy digging is pretty much done and the buckets are all in their places. I have a couple of spots for 16-18 inch pots but I don't know yet if I will use them. May is half over and my garden is only one-third planted. The city farm market opens in just about two weeks and I will look over their plants. The growers there always have interesting items I want to try.

I have the last of the bought seedlings in the gardens: onion chives, pineapple sage and spearmint. I also brought the small rosemaries I started from cuttings two years ago and the hibiscus cutting that has survived. The hibiscus is thriving and needed a larger pot. Its parent needs some cultivating (for weed control) and some additional soil.

An interesting piece I found in a link on another site I visit regularly. To veil or not to veil--an interesting question. I have always thought it should be the free choice of the individual though so often it isn't. Western commenters usually assume that if a woman wears a scarf or veil they are forced to do so. That may not be the case. Some women fought to discard the veil others fought to keep or adopt it. Something about the article, however, didn't sit entirely comfortably with me and reading the blog which provided the link I discovered why. "Don't make their burden you costume," she wrote, referring to the experiences of the grandmothers, aunts and others who came before--those who rebelled against veiling. But that implies that the western converts who adopt veiling aren't authentic in their religious choices.

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