Thursday, May 17, 2018

Nice sunny day again. I am digging out the last big container which will be slow going. I put a layer of gravel in the bottom hoping to aid drainage. I don't think it really worked.

I found this at Huffington Post this morning which pretty much sums up the Repthuglican efforts to add more work requirements to SNAP. Increase the number of workers looking for jobs, increase the competition, keep wages down. Every time they do something like this I repeat my question "Why work yourself to death to NOT make a living?"

Well, the last large tub has been emptied and is gone. Now I can clean up the space and put the buckets in place. Then I will have a better idea of how things can go.

And Hecatedemeter has expressed exactly how I feel and what we should do about it. There is an old saying that to get respect you should give respect but that doesn't mean you should respect those who disrespect you and whom you know will never respect you.

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