Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Wednesday June 19

Good gods!! Already more than half past June. I think I will finally get my gardens filled. That doesn't mean I won't acquire new plants but I won't have and big open spots begging for something to take up residence. I got the catnip and a new basil. The Japanese beetles have arrived but with the cooler  weather my usual eradication procedure (hand picking and drowning in soapy water) should work well. I pulled all of the plants out of the fence-top hangers and will place them in the lower gardens. Reaching that high even with a watering wand is a bit taxing and the combination of wind and high temps dries those plants too fast to easily keep up with them. At my age rearranging things so it is easier is a major priority.

I can't say it better. This country and its flag doesn't stand for what Cadet Bone-spurs (thank you, Tammy Duckworth!!) is creating.

Here is something else I can't say better--We Are Never Getting Out of Afghanistan. At least not until this country is so fiscally broken that it can't fund anything anymore. The only strategy (if you want to call it that) is to double down on what hasn't work and which any logical thought process would indicate can't work

Task & Purpose is on a roll today! Here is another well expressed sentiment. I have said for some time now that I am thoroughly sick and tired of the constant expressions (thankfully fewer of late) of "Thank you for your service." Or the obligatory flag pins on our politicians lapels. A cheap bit of "virtue signaling" which does shit for veterans or active service members or their families. Plastic patriots, indeed.

Well, gardening for today. The sun is peeking through the clouds and when it does it get a bit warm. I moved the cinnamon basil because it had too much competition from the sweet basil and purple basil. Then I harvested some  of each and some of the bee balm for drying. I hadn't intended to do that today but since I was mucking around with that container went ahead and did it. I put in the new sweet basil and the two catnip plants. Out two little monster kitties should be happy. The begonias and geraniums are distributed through the patio providing a nice burst of color. The space actually looks neat--far neater than any garden in previous years.

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