Wednesday, August 20, 2014


We just got home from our errands this morning.  Needless to say, no gardening today.  But I do see the cypress vine has some new blossoms and several clusters of wonderberries are almost ready to try out.  If we like them we will plant them again.  We finally will see a few days of summer.  We have had 3 days when the temperature touched 90--one sixth of the usual number.  Trees are already turning color--much too early.

Update on the wonderberries: just found a fully ripe cluster and gave Mom half.  We like them better than the ground cherries we tried a couple of years ago but we don't like them well enough to devote space in our small gardens to them.  I will mix the ones we get this year with our blueberries.


Busy day planned.  Hope to get most well underway early because the temp is supposed to be warm and summery.  I have tomatoes to get cooked up and packaged for freezing.  That is the big job.  But I also want to get some lemon balm, stevia, peppermint, and spearmint harvested and in the dehydrator.    Everything out there needs watering.  We didn't get any of the rain that deluged some areas around us yesterday.

The "Cloud" has been touted by the computer/internet industry for some time now but I have been skeptical from the beginning.  I have a habit of asking "what if?" and then considering scenarios in which being unable to access the information stored on the "Cloud" would be annoying at best, catastrophic at worst and frustrating always.  This is a perfect illustration of why it is a problem and potentially dangerous.

I saw this on the morning TV news and looked it up on The greed simply blows my mind. I didn't know that the featured artists weren't paid while the set up costs were covered by the NFL.  Now the League wants the stars to agree to fork over a percentage of their next year's earnings.  That is crap.  They should consider the bump in earnings the artists may get as compensation for the fees the stars don't get from the NFL.

Susie Madrak has an excellent point here.  Our media seems fixated on the fact that ISIS/ISIL/Is beheaded an American journalist.  Would anyone feel any better if they had used a bullet in his head?    And I don't care to use the term "execute."  Let not give the bastards any undeserved legitimacy.  They murdered a journalist for no other reason than he was American.  Sows' ears are sows' ears and murder is murder.

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