Sunday, June 2, 2013

Good Sunday to you all.  We have had a bit of sun for a moment or two.  I took that opportunity to check things in the gardens.  We had a hard rain last night.  I found splashes of dirt on the fence behind the containers and a couple of the tomatoes are a bit bedraggled.  I plan to go out between raindrops and stake them.  We are looking forward to Tuesday when the city farm market reopens for the season.

I just did get out for a few minutes.  I got the cabbages and purple hyssop moved, several tomatoes staked, and all of the containers cultivated before the clouds rolled in, the wind came up and the temperature dropped.  Hasn't started raining yet but it might at any time.

Well, there is power and then there is power.  It depends on which kind you want.  Possessing the one kind makes a country at least a bit player on the military scene while not possessing the other confirms a country as a third world society.

I saw the commercial this story references and thought it cute.  When I heard on the news this morning that the company's web site had to shut down comments and that many of the comments were vitriolic to put the matter mildly I wondered why.  I didn't even notice that the couple was mixed race.  It is the 21st century, for goodness sake.  I thought it was cute but I don't eat Cheerios so it won't influence my buying habits.

R.I.P., Jean Stapleton.

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