Monday, September 23, 2013

First Monday of Fall. Cypress vine. Borage. Hibiscus.

Got the basil plants pulled yesterday and put three pots of strawberry in there.  Didn't do much else but look at what is going on.  The blueberry hasn't survived so I will pull it later.  Start again in a different pot next spring.  I plan to put a new plant in a five gallon bucket that I have adjusted for pH and will monitor it through the season.  As I looked over the cypress vine I found a handful of seeds that I managed to catch and put in a small matchbox for next spring.  That joins the matchbox with borage seeds.  I found four volunteer plants in the borage bucket so I know the seeds are good.  Last month I found a volunteer cypress vine trying to come up through the pineapple sage and bee balm so those seeds should sprout next year.  I found three seed pods on my hibiscus so I will see if they will sprout next spring as well.

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